miércoles, 21 de marzo de 2012

Pose picker - find it useful?

I have developed also a Pose Picker plugin. Another two module thingie; an editor and the pose picker.
The editor is more complex than the Item Picker pro editor, since you first have to create your set of control and then you can start storing your poses (adding pictures for reference!). Then you save the file.
The picker let you pick (duh!) any pose from your library and also let you merge the current key with a percentage of the pose you are picking (if you have an open hand and you choose 70% of a close hand pose it will give you a nearly closed hand).
So, here is the deal:
1- the editor could get confusing, specially until you get what you have to do first.
2- limited by some lscript funcionality some refresh(mainly pictures) are not happening, which lead us back to confusing.
3- The editor may contain some bugs (or not. I don't really used this one that much)
4- I don´t have the time to write a proper guide.
 That being said, I ask you: are you interested in this thing? could it be worth me finding and uploading it and you trying it?

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